Artist Statement
Shooting landscapes inspires me and is authentic to who I am in the outdoors. I always feel at home and true to myself when I am in nature. Early in the Fall of my senior year, I returned to the lab to edit my single frame landscapes; I wasn’t feeling the life and vibrancy that I was seeking and had experienced while witnessing the shot. One night, I was experimenting and took multiple single frame shots across the canyon landscape. The next day in the photo lab, I printed out each of these images without borders, laid them side by side, and created a fragmented panorama. I was compelled to tell a different story and learned that I could stitch these individual photos together through photoshop. I was awestruck by the idea that I could shoot individual photos and create a near panorama that was more detailed, yet abstract, and reflected a unique dimensionality. Stitching is the perfect project for me, because historically I have become frustrated when shooting a panorama, because I was not able to capture the desired amount of detail, the correct lighting, or the desired shape. Throughout this process, I kept experimenting with different locations, times of day, and the size of my unique panoramas. I enjoy the action of shooting individual photos, and the stitching process allows me the opportunity to experience each individual image, intertwine the elements, and create a story. Throughout my stitching project, I took more risks and strayed from traditional landscape photography, and instead brought playfulness, breadth, abstraction, and unconventional movement into my finished works.